Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Home Away From Home

Shortly after getting back from Christmas break, Kevin and I found a much more suitable home away from home. Here's the view from the front door.

This is the guest room at the front of the house (first door on the left in the picture above). Scarlett thinks its her room.

Here's the hall bath. It attaches to the guest room also, which is a nice feature. And the newspaper ad wallpaper provides reading material.

Here's a view of the living room.

The living room stays nice and bright thanks to the skylights (and will probably keep it rather warm in the summer).

Here's the dining area and kitchen. Please note the fancy schmancy counter top grill unit. Oh and the mirror above the sink. I can't go into the kitchen without seeing myself - that's probably a good thing.

Our bedroom - also on the main level. Yes, its very lavender.
The master bathroom. With a real shower and everything - oh yes.

The new place also has a laundry room that comes complete with a house boy.

This is a basement bedroom. We're using it as the office/craft room. And its been fully unpacked now.

Here's Kevin's new (to us) bar. We don't have a mancave in this house, instead Kevin got a media room.

The view from the bar.

And our nifty sectional. It has two recliners and a hide-a-bed. Plus its comfy.

Here's the basement bathroom. The wallpaper isn't nearly so entertaining in here.

But Scarlett likes to use the sink has her hot tub.

Finally, there's a store room in the basement as well. It could easily be made into another bedroom, but we're glad its storage - we needed the space for throwing stuff.

Random Cheesehead Cat! Brett Favre would be proud. Or he would have been last year, anyway.
Also, Scarlett and Col Turtle are having an illicit affair. We're saving this photo so she can blackmail him later.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is it Too Late to Late to Tell You About Christmas?

We've been a bit neglectful of the blog...

So here's the house in Maryland all trussed up for Christmas...please note my obsessive need to match my wrapping paper to my decorations.

Blame the woman in the corner here (artfully arranging the presents)...also please note that sadly, this was a year that we "cut back" - but the family is large

Here's Dad getting ready to open his Victoria's Secret box. He was a bit nervous - afraid that we got him the wrong size.

Here's what was inside - its a sign for the cabin.

And here's a few more gifts we gave - I made this pin for Mom (and another for Grandma)

I made this pin for Maryann.

Here's Miss Scarlett, basking in the Christmas glow.

Both Kevin and my parents got me Christmas china! Here's the table all prettied up for Christmas supper. I made roast hoo-beast

A close up a place setting (from the set Mom and Dad gave me) along with a bit of wedding china and crystal.

We're very fancy, you know